
Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts female requests

if you're requesting a specific female, please post the request here. if you're requesting more than one female, post the request in the multiple requests board.

5 19 stuck in love.
by karina marie hartway
Jun 4, 2013 19:31:50 GMT -5
No New Posts male requests

if you're requesting a specific male, please post the request here. if you're requesting more than one male, post the request in the multiple requests board.

9 17 I found a boy; secret husband
by charlotte jane carter
May 31, 2013 17:26:49 GMT -5
No New Posts multiple requests

if you're requesting multiple people to fill your plot, please post the thread here. make sure to put the amount of people being requested in the title.

10 29 give me love, two
by isabella samara moreau
Jun 3, 2013 22:10:57 GMT -5

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character requests
if you're looking for a specific character to fill a plot, or a specific play-by for your character, this is where you'll post a request for said character. please post your request in the correct board. you may bump your request once every three days.
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